Baby Shower #2

We had a lovely time in KS visiting T's family and being spoiled with another baby shower! :)

We started with some really fun games! There was a Price is Right style game of guessing if prices of baby items were higher or lower. We didn't win, but I got more right than T which is all I cared about, hehe. And next, as a part of the snacks there were cupcakes decorated as all sorts of creatures. So the newest grandma Clark held up various children's books and we had to remember if there was a cupcake creature which represented that story. And finally we played the 'how big is the belly' game with string. The majority of people guessed way too big, which usually happens. I made T participate because I was curious how well he'd do. He actually came pretty close, but didn't win because one of his aunts was pretty much exactly right!

After the games we moved on to the gifts, which were of course so wonderful. We got a lot of books, which is quite helpful because we've already been reading to her and were beginning to run out of options. After presents we went upstairs to eat the delicious snack spread and have punch. Everyone ate and mingled and then the party just naturally broke up as people had to get on to other things for the day.

The super yummy food spread!

Happy Grandparents! :)

Fabulous co-host, Aunt Karen! :)

She's got so much "daddy's girl" & "I love daddy" stuff already she has no hope but to be a daddy's girl.

Aunt C, making sure she knows all of Ned's new books :)


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